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Our family story


Like a lot of UK families we’ve woken up to the fact that plastic pollution is causing massive environmental issues.  We’ve changed our shopping habits from single use plastic to reusable bags, we've massively reduced our disposable coffee cup usage, and we have re-discovered milk delivery in glass bottles.

But we realised that our main consumption of plastic is actually at home. On average in the UK each household uses 480 plastic bottles per year, and less than half of that is actually recycled. We realised that as a family we need to make some big, positive changes.

In the bathroom none of the big personal care brands can tackle the plastic pollution problem head-on. They are focusing primarily on recycling plastic, so they don't have to change their production lines and don't lose their battle for space on retailer shelves.

Seeing this as a positive opportunity to make real change not just in our bathroom but in lots of family bathrooms across the UK I set about finding partners to help us develop plastic-free products that are easy swaps, starting with solid shampoo bars and body wash bar soaps, and making them available to everyone through an on-line plastic free shop.

Through research we found that people are willing to make an easy swap, as long as the products give the same high quality and a lovely usage experience. I believe our KinKind Shampoo Bars and BodyWash bars do just that!

We decided to start to sell direct to families to minimise the carbon impact through distribution from our UK factory to family letterboxes. Two years on and we are starting to make KinKind more available to more families to help them make the switch to a plastic free bathroom.

So, I feel it’s up to us and other families in the UK to bring about this positive change. Welcome to our KinKind family and feel good making a positive change in your home. 

Enjoy KinKind!

Victoria Coe